Selected Work

January—August 2020 
Ilford HP5 film on silver gelatin paper

GP: This collection of photos marks the first time I ever shot on film or used the darkroom process, so everything was very new for me. I think not knowing what I was doing allowed me to approach my subjects with a certain openness that was returned generously. This is significant for me because my first images begin with the MLK Jr. Memorial March with pre-Covid size crowds in San Antonio, Texas. The collection significantly narrows down introspectively and ends with a self-portrait, by which time, the global pandemic was well underway along with social isolation and general collective anxieties. In the beginning, I had thought to create a project about the relationship between community and personal transformation. Of course, everything over the next few months turned out much differently than I had expected and for my last photo, I decided to pull a card from a tarot deck on a whim. It wasn’t until much later that I fully realized the significance of The World card.

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